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Marvel Infinity War

3 reviews
23.8 k downloads

The ultimate beat'em up from the Marvel universe

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Marvel Infinity War is a free fangame set in the Marvel universe. It's developed using the OpenBOR engine and though it uses both visual and audio resources from games for 16-bit consoles, a large part of the content is created completely from scratch.

There are a whopping 78 different characters to select from several different licenses: the Avengers, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, and even the Netflix series The Defenders. Story mode lets you advance through different locations in the adventure inspired by The Infinity War, a direct sequel to the popular Infinity Gauntlet saga starring Thanos and the six Infinity Gems.

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Besides story mode, Marvel Infinity War includes endless game modes – remakes of iconic titles like Captain America and the Avengers, for example, and Spiderman Maximum Carnage – as well as a training mode in the danger saga and a 'boss rush' mode. It even includes the complete Marvel First Alliance video game from the developer himself, which is also available on Uptodown.

Marvel Infinity War is a classic beat'em up that's has nothing to envy paid games, letting you enjoy tons of content and even play with up to four players simultaneously.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Information about Marvel Infinity War 3.1

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Action
Language English
Author ZVitor and Maru
Downloads 23,837
Date Feb 1, 2023
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

rar 2.11 Apr 15, 2020
rar 1.12 Jan 31, 2017

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3 reviews


hungrygoldenorange4593 icon
in 2022

My Give Is A 5 Star Because Not Only The Characters Are Amazing The Story Line Its Not Only The Infinty Wars There Are Others ,To Zvitor And Maru A Big Thanks For Now I Dont See What Is Wrong With The...See more

daniel45 icon
in 2018

I haven't downloaded it yet and I don't know how it is

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